Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Future Vamps

Ah, Ethan Hawke, you stole my heart years ago when you were the poster boy for 90’s and Uma arm candy. Bang up performances in Training Day and Assault on Precinct 13th kept my love alive. I expected good things from you in Daybreakers.

However, in post-movie glow reflection, I have to admit the boy was right. You were kind of a whiny bitch in this one. Except for the whole bursting into flames multiple times thing. That was pretty sweet.

Other than having to agree on Hawke’s bitchness, my boy and I had drastically different opinions on this flick. He did not feel it. At all. I, on the other hand thought it was pretty decent.

First Daybreakers is a breather from this whole vampires are sooooo sexy vibe that’s been predominate for so long. (I’m not jumping on the blame Twilight bandwagon. Twilight didn’t start it people. Blame Interview with the Vampire. Brad Pitt waltzing around in the French Quarter is NOT scary. Hell, I say blame it all on Anne Rice, Lestat was a rock star not a horrifying blood sucker.) While I admit I do dig the occasional hot vampire, in general I prefer my vampires to be rather gruesome and deformed or at least evil and creepy. This film had both. The blood deprived vampires that are hanging out under the city are cringe worthy and Sam Neill’s bad guy Bromley reminds me both of smooth talking Billy Zane in Demon Knight and Jack Nicholson’s Joker, successfully filling the creepy vampire quota.

The futuristic, stark look of the film was a great contrast for the blood bath at the end of the building momentum. Throughout the film the blood shortage sets the stage for a fantastic blowup. Human’s are want to rob, riot, and kill if their basic rights, having enough food for example, are threatened so the viewer knew they were being set up for a vampire flip out. Especially note worthy was the sacrifice of the under dwellers and the mobbing of the “coffee” shop.

Also worth noting was Willem Dafoe. Every time I see this guy I get excited, I know I’m in for something interesting. (The Boondock Saints would have only been half awesome without him.) Unlike Hawke he did not disappoint. “Living in a world where vampires are the dominate species is about as safe as bare backing a 5 dollar whore.” How can you not love a line like that?

I’d say wait for rental on this one but worth watching.

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