Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's Part 4, Damn it.

Lesson learned from The Final Destination in 3-D


3-D at home, not so impressive. Other than that, there’s not a whole lot to say about this one. I’ve already established upon seeing the trailer, it’s actually Final Destination 4 and like most franchises the surprises are few and far between at this point. This one has the same plot as the first three (a disastrous event is foreseen by a teenager and said teen and his/her friends spend the rest of the movie trying to avoid death who has apparently marked them) but the disaster got a makeover. This time we’re treated to an Indy race wreck. I won’t lie, that sick side of me is always down to see something like this go horribly wrong.

So premonition had, disaster averted (for some), and then the real mayhem begins. A broad gets her head taken off by a flying tire, a flaming (literally on fire!) racist gets dragged down a street, a guy gets his insides sucked out via pool drain (reminded me of Chuck Palahniuk’s Haunted), and near the end a whole new premonition! Fun! Honestly the second premonition was a reach but I must admit I was delighted by the oh so graphic depiction of the escalator eating the female lead. Immediately I look at the boy and shout “that kid is back on the escalator again!”

A couple of other high point were the friendly security guard being mowed down by an ambulance midsentence (the irony of being run down by an ambulance never fails to send me in to hysteric laughter. The boy admonished me that it’s not funny and I’m fairly certain he asked what’s wrong with me. Would think he would realize how cracked I am by now) and watching our male lead desperately try to put out a fire while being stapled to a wall.

Fairly typical, not ground breaking or truly disturbing but worth parking my ass on the couch for 82 minutes.

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