Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Pun About Not Watching Should Go Here

I like a good psycho thriller. Sometimes a little suspense and cop drama is just what I'm looking for. The Watcher

would not fall into this category.

First, let me admit, I have a bias about Keanu Reeves. I think the man is possibly one of the worst actors ever (seriously this isn't much of a stretch). But the man looks so fucking cool. I'm not kidding around here. What he lacks in actual acting ability, he makes up in ability to look cool. No one else could have played Neo. Only Keanu looks that cool.

Regardless, the boy said that The Watcher would be worth watching. I was biting at first. My hat is off to James Spader; he had that broody cop thing down. The plot was pretty easy to get behind. Psycho is stalking cop and sending him pictures of the ladies he intends to kill. Cop has x amount of time to find the lady before psycho gets all gung-ho with the piano wire. Ah, piano wire, your messy and effective way of getting the job done is so underused. So I'm all there, enthralled and rooting for the cops to catch Mr. Psycho. And they get close! Cue chase scene. Crash! Boom! The psycho runs over a gas pump with cops behind him in hot pursuit..... and that's where this one drew my ire.

Again and again I've cited my ability to suspend disbelief when called for. A movie gives you a set of ideas to work with and you accept it (dead things come back, black magic exists, etc). Fine. But when you've been working with the premise that all the things in a given movie could really happen and then you suddenly throw some bullshit at me, well I take that as an invite to yell profanities at the TV. (The boy hates it when that happens.) The problem here? Post gas pump knock down our perp's car is covered in gas. He reaches out his lighter and lights the hood of his car on fire. The fire races to the pumps and the cop cars and everything blows. Except his car. What. The. Fuck.

I don't think the most inventive/sick/groundbreaking ending could have pulled me back in after that. The ending wasn't bad really, but I was just done.

When choosing between watching The Watcher again or slamming my finger in the door repeatedly, I'd choose The Watcher but just barely.

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