Monday, August 3, 2009

Hack and Slash Weekend

Friday night I got in the mood to watch something cheesy and Cheerleader Camp had been lying around for a while.

cheerleader camp

It was quintessential cheap 80’s slasher horror. Within the first ten minutes we were treated to two nice natural looking sets of tits and one fat guy in drag. The plot was paper thin and both the effects and the acting were phenomenally bad. In other words, perfect cheap/cheesy horror. A van full of cheerleaders (with exceptionally large hair, I mean this was the 80’s) heads out to a camp in the woods. Our main character is pretty, popular, and plagued with horrifying dreams. These dreams get progressively worse as camp goes on and people start to die. Is she killing people in her sleep? Is the creepy cook or equally creepy grounds man killing people? Or is it the boyfriend? Or the roommate? I’m not telling but the boy and I placed out bets about halfway through and we were right, wasn’t too hard to figure out. Also noteworthy was the vehicle for warning the audience of impending death…. a full screen of red! No, not blood splashed up obscuring everything, just a red screen. 100 percent awesome. Defiantly worth watching to fill up a boring night (but only if you appreciate the cheese).

Then much to my delight, Saturday morning as I was sitting on the couch, the boy came out and presented me with a list of movie times and the address to a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was a bust, but the movie we decided on was not. In fact it was one of the most shockingly violent movies I’ve seen in a nice long while.

the collector

The Collector is one that hasn’t seemed to get a lot of press. No huge names, just a trailer here and there (the trailer doesn’t do the movie justice AT ALL). It looking interesting enough and my buddy (johnnyhorror) had told me it was nice and violent.

The story is, a contractor, Arkin (antihero) is working on a house, he decides to rob the place of a bit of precious stone kept locked away in a safe. Not that he’s a bad guy per say, but his lady and his kid are in trouble and they need money. Problem is, when he gets to the house there is already someone there, and by someone I mean quite possibly the most sadistic mother fucker walking earth. The couple who live in the house are busy being tortured downstairs (quite graphically) and after hearing some screams and realizing that he is mostly trapped in the house anyway (booby traps on the doors, windows, stairs, everywhere) he decides to try and help out. This leads to a bit of cat and mouse as Arkin tries to help the couple, keep the teenage daughter out of the house, and save the youngest daughter all while avoiding the bad guy and dodge all the traps. And let me expand on the traps, I’m not talking about trip wire here and there, I’m talking about a chandelier of knifes, sticky acid type substance on the bedroom floor, bear traps in the den, and windows boarded shut with razors attached to the boards. The filming also added to the intensity of the movie by keeping things just dark and gritty enough (think Seven). You spend the film hoping for the best but still expecting the worst, and just when you think it’s over, surprise, there’s one more little twist. I let the theater on the high that you only get from really good movies. Run, watch it now!

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