Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Low Expectations

Know what I’m tired of? Movie snobs

The boy went out to the store the yesterday (he has the whole week off and nothing to do. Watch the amazing dwindling joint account!) and brought me back “a something”. It happened to be the movie The Unborn.

the unborn

Apparently I had mentioned in passing that I wanted the check it out (had avoided it at the theater due to the PG-13) and he had filed it away in memory.

I didn’t remember much of anything about the flick when we popped it in last night. A girl with a twin that never got born. Something is trying to kill her. (This was what I informed the boy, complete with shrug, when he asked me what it was going to be about.) So after the boy grumbling about my lack of knowledge and the inability to skip the previews (that shit makes him freaking crazy!) we selected the unrated option and we were off on a movie adventure with low expectations.

Know what? It wasn’t bad. Dare I say I liked it? First there was the pleasant surprise of Cam Gigandet. Not only is he pretty easy on the eyes, he’s growing on me as an actor. Granted the roles I’ve seen him in thus far don’t give him room to really shine (we’re not talking, Leonardo Dicaprio here people.) but I see some potential in him. Whenever he gets the chance to do some evil on screen, it’s believable. I’m pretty sure he could make a good career of bad guy. And did I mention he’s awfully easy on the eyes?

The movie is strictly by the book with its sad Nazi camp back story, the “demon” that needs a door way, creepy movie projector scenes, traumatic childhood, and bad dreams. Although you can see the jump scenes coming far over the horizon, they still manage to get the job done. (There’s nothing I get more scare out of then a mirror. Damn things just give me the heebie jeebies.) However, there were some fun throw away scenes that I adored. The priests made them sign papers prior to the exorcism! A mighty realistic touch there. And I know for sure if I get beaten to death by a large, possessed priest I want that shit written on my tombstone! “Here lies Nikkole. A huge possessed priest beat her to death.” Priceless.

Watching this one was an altogether pleasing way to spend the evening. The flick wasn't amazingly fantastic, but it got the job done.

And that’s what annoys the fuck out of me. Today I get online to do a little research on it because I knew it was destine for a blog review. People hated this flick. The same things I took in stride (weak plot, cheesy acting) other people detested. Normal movie loving people, I give them some room to gripe. They don’t really get into the horror cheese. But the horror people junked this one too. It seems to me that these people are expecting waaaay too much from new horror flicks. Are you telling me you want to bag on a flick for bad acting? I’ve read (or maybe heard) the in the original Halloween (oh, yeah, bringing out the big guns) that PJ Soles gagged and gurgled as long as she could during her death scene just to get a little more screen time. That supposed to be good acting? And don’t even get me started on some of the plot holes of the much beloved horror giants. What’s the deal? Are people of the mind that just because there are lots of new glossy filming techniques that go into new horror movies that the entire genre should be 100% new and improved? I think people are forgetting to suspend the disbelief at opening credits. Their forgetting this is supposed to be fun.

So I say lower your expectations people. Don’t go into a horror flick expecting a masterpiece. Just try to have some fun.

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