Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Party Ever

You know you’re in for a treat when one of the main reasons behind the production of a film was the film maker’s yearning to “write a scene where a guy gets eaten by demonic breasts”. Of course I didn’t know this when Shady brought over the flick. I just knew that there was no way in hell that a movie named Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned could not be full of awesome.

And it was! This super low budget romp the best possible way for my homie and I to get back into movie night.

First of all this film doesn’t pretend to be anything it’s not. Horror films (particularly low budget ones) that pretend to be more than they really are bother the hell out of me. I mean a director/producer has to realize at some point that the film is destined for the 5 dollar bin at Wal-Mart. Just be satisfied with your station in life (if you’re a tracer, you’re a tracer) and don’t expect me to believe I’m watching the next Saw. Bachelor Party reveled in the cheese. Gaps in continuity were even referenced in the credits. (Note: if you pick up this flick, watch the credits. Fucking hilarious!)

Bachelor Party is about, what else, a Bachelor Party gone really wrong. Sam, the dutiful best man, decides to put together a bachelor bash complete with strippers for Chuck. Along with a couple other buds (one named The Fish. After watching this movie Shady and I have decided we need friends with cooler nicknames.) they head to a bungalow in the Hamptons. As the movie warmed up two things were established; neither of us knew exactly what a bungalow was (“A small house or cottage usually having a single story and sometimes an additional attic story.” Thanks,  and for every two guys in a hot tub there must be at least one girl in order for things to be considered strictly hetero. A first the movie moved along fairly quickly. Three strippers that I would never pay to see get naked showed up (I made Shady promise that if a chubby stripper ever tried to drag me away while I was passed out he’d put a stop to it. He assured me he would stop said shenanigans by telling her “no, stripper, go get a Twinkie!”). Soon these strippers turned into hideous monsters, later to be identified as vampires, and dispatched of couple of our party goers. Sam and Chuck manage to stay alive… kind of. Sam is unscathed but Chuck finds himself vamping out. Sam’s new mission is to revert Chuck to his human status by killing the master vampire.

This is where the movie started to get a little long. There were a couple of places where the movie logically could have ended. I was getting pretty yawny but I was glad I hung in there. Why? DEATH BY YARD GNOME!!!!!! Made it all worth it. You have not seen awesome until you’ve seen a vampire beat to death with a yard gnome. Cinematically, I could die happy.

Doing the write up for the review of this one I got another happy surprise, a website chock full of production notes. Other low budget films, take note, the more visible you are to the people who’ll be watching your film, the better. While I was partial to the film, I wasn’t really excited about writing it up until I read about the production.

If you have a sense of humor about your horror, you need to watch this one. You will so thank me.

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