Sunday, November 21, 2010

Game Over

Well there was really no getting around it. I couldn’t not see Saw 3D.

So let’s be snarky and start with the bad stuff first. There was no reason, at all, this one should have been in 3-D. I sat there with those stupid glasses over my glasses for the duration of the flick expecting to feel like I was dodging blood and entrails. No such luck. You assholes, why’d I pay 11 bucks for that?

Also, there was more of that building in the story bullshit. You know where the audience is expected to believe this person or that thing was moving around behind the main story all along. Just like we were expected to believe Hoffman had been behind things from the beginning. This ploy tends to annoy me. It makes me think that possibly the writers are sitting around making shit up as they go along… “yeah, yeah they’ll buy that shit… they’ve bought the rest of this shit.” But in this case I’ll let it go because it leads me to the good stuff… (spoiler alert)

Cary Elwes FOR THE WIN!!! I have to say, I was rooting for the doc all along. Anyone who hacks off their own foot deserves to get the final word. Aside from that, it’s in the horror movie handbook that if you don’t see a person die, their most likely not actually dead. And then to have him be the one to finally dispose of the oh so douchey Hoffman? Yes please!

I also loved the other story line happening in this one. Watching Bobby (Sean Patrick Flanery) be completely unable to save anyone was actually fairly gut wrenching. I didn’t really expect the bar-b-que at the end. I mean for all the knowledge the audience was given, Joyce was perfectly innocent. It was nice to see something actually shocking and (almost) as unexpected as the Game Over moment in the original happen again.

And while we’re racking up points here, Sean Patrick Flanery shirtless is always a winner. Probably would have made me ok with the flick regardless. I’m beginning to wonder if he gets a shirtless scene wrote into all of his contracts or something. Honestly, I hope so.

Over all, save your bucks and don’t fall for the 3D. But if you’ve suffered through the rest of this series I’d say go for DVD. It ties things up pretty nicely with a fair amount of blood and gore, however, it will NEVER compare to the original.

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