Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Should Have Used the Thrasher

These days it’s starting to look like everything you need to know about a movie is right there in the trailer. For example take the trailer from The Crazies:

you have yourself an idyllic little town where the opening day of baseball season is a big deal. Of course, no little town is complete without the likeable sheriff. Then things start to go bad when the sheriff has to blow away the town drunk midfield, midgame. But wait, more of the townsfolk seem to be acting strangely. In fact their starting to barbeque their family members. Then when things get really eerie and deserted, in comes the military. No doubt they’ve done something stupid and this nice little town is going to have to pay for it. And then it all ends with a big fat explosion.  There you go a concise summary from the trailer.

No kidding, just watch it, it’s all there. I’m starting to get really annoyed when I watch a movie and there are NO surprises because everything has already been laid bare in the trailer.

Ok, real notes on the movie. Characters were rather one dimensional but that didn’t detract too much from the audience’s ability to like them. You still found yourself rooting for the sheriff to make it out alive. The violence wasn’t unbearable but was still pleasingly shocking. Putting a mother and son in a closet and setting the house on fire, that’s pretty good business. However, I was pretty disappointed that we got no use out of the thrasher. I was so ready for that. I was thinking blood, guts, and body parts EVERYWHERE. Sigh. Maybe next time.

The "oops the military fucked up" plot is starting to get over done. Luckily, The Crazies managed to avoid falling into the overdone plot hole by focusing less on that angle and more on the sheriff’s escape mission. It was a thin line the film was dancing on there. Much more damn you military guys, how could you do this to us, and all would have been lost.  As for the end you can't call yourself a true horror movie fan if you didn't see that "surprise twist" coming.

My guess is that this one won’t take long to reach the half price bin. I’d suggest waiting until then to snag it.

(And if you’ve been keeping up, sorry about the drop off. Just wasn’t feeling it for a while.)

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