Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Blockbusters and The Really Good Stuff


The boy and I have been hitting the summer movies the past couple of weekends. Thus far, I'm not really impressed.

Wolverine was the bigger disappointment for me. I've always dug the X-Men flicks. I'm not a fangirl but I do have a little bit of knowledge about who’s who and what’s what, and my all time favorite character is Gambit. (Him being native and all that makes sense.) So there I was all amped.... some Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine (which suits him so gosh darn well), the promise of finding out how/why Wolverine is Wolverine (I maintain, NOT A FANGIRL), some Gambit action, and some Ryan Reynolds thrown in for good measure (seriously, if that guy is shirtless I'll watch him read the phone book). And it still managed to fail. The biggest problem was the whole film seemed rushed. The plot, the acting, the effects, everything. And can I speak on the effects for just a minute? Good grief! I’m not tech girl either but the CGI was just a mess. Even the horror flicks try harder than that. The shots of Wolverine's claws were particularly bad, which is a major deduction in points as the movie is ABOUT HIM. And my biggest problem? The thing I wanted to see the most. I'm not sure what kind of direction Taylor Kitsch had but his Gambit broke my heart. Here’s the thing about actors and the state of Louisiana. Typically when an actor/actress portrays someone from here, they go way too far with the Cajun accent (gives people the idea that were all running around down here in pirogues with gators as pets. And you know what, we are! I actually have two gators! And I eat crawfish for every meal! And that guy from The Waterboy, well he lives right down the bayou from me! Hee hee). However, Gambit is SUPPOSED to sound like that. It's part of his charm. And bless his heart; Kitsch didn’t even give it a go. Sad sad sad.

On the up side, I did think Liev Schreiber (who I’m beginning to think is just wonderful) did a bang up job as Sabertooth. Made the whole film worth sitting through. Also, going in I had no idea that Dominic Monaghan (whom I just adore. What a cutie.) was going to be in it. Happy surprise.

All and all, I'd say wait for DVD.

I have far far less to say about Terminator Salvation. I wanted to watch the previous flicks before I went to see this one, jog the memory, but I didn’t get a chance to. Without remembering exactly what the hell was going on, all I was really looking forward to was crash, boom, bang and robots. It delivered. Plenty of action, not much in the way of plot. Also I didn’t see a single performance in that film that I considered good. I know thousands of women can’t be wrong about the amazingness that is Christian Bale, but I just don’t see it. (Also for so reason he reminds me of Matthew Fox on Lost and I constantly want to kick his character in the teeth. Hard to see John Connor when all you’re getting is Jack Sheppard.) Worth seeing if you’re looking for some action but I’d have to say it only really merits a DVDing as well.

On to the good stuff:


Had heard a little about Amusement on some horror blogs and had seen it a couple of times in the movie store but I hadn’t gotten around to giving it a go. Much to my delight Sshady (best movie buddy in the world) brought it over on movie night. What a great, twisted, creepy little slasher flick! It followed the usual slasher formula (weirdo from the past stalks pretty girls) but with some odd twists (nope not giving a damn thing away, go get it and watch for yourself). Best thing about this flick is it honestly gave me the heebie-jeebies. I’m terrified of exactly two things, needles and clowns. If a guy in a clown suit chased me around with a needle I would drop dead of fright. I thought that the clown fear was just a childhood thing (too many horror flicks at a young age. And aside from that I seem to equate clowns with child molesters. Grown men (generally) who dress up in costume and play with kids. *shiver*) but the urge to hide behind the boy’s superman blanket as the creepy clown owned the screen proved that theory wrong. If you like horror flicks, you HAVE to watch this one. Go now! Watch!

I’m still holding out hope for the big screen. B says I have to watch Star Trek even though it really doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. Besides, I like seeing stuff on the big screen even if it sucks. At least I do when there’s not some jackass chatting through the whole flick, but that’s a whole other blog.

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